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Friday, August 13, 2010

So You Think You Can Dance - 'Winner Chosen' Season Finale

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Cat welcomes America to the final episode of this season's " So You Think You Can Dance " and continues to pimp the idea of a " Genuine Dance Superstar " to perform. Sadly, she was lying because I know that Fox doesn't have the technology to revive Fred Astaire or Michael Jackson. The finale could have been fit into a half-hour, but why would Fox do something silly like that? They probably made buckets of money from advertisers.

So You Think You Can Dance

Since it's a celebration, we have seven judges and choreographers including the missed Mary Murphy. Sure, her opinions were usually off the rocker, but Mia doesn't make sense and Adam would suggest casting the dancer in his next movie. We get a video evolution of Nigel's hair and I loved hearing Mary's laughter in the background. Mia gets a montage of her odd vocabulary and Adam gets the Blue Steel face montage. Along with them are Tyce Diorio, Stacey Tookey, and Kenny Ortega. All four extra judges don't do much except stand and clap.

Group Dance (Christopher Scott) - We start off with Melinda actually getting to tap. The all-stars accompany the 11 as Jose and Dominick perform some break, Jose doing less grounded moves. Twitch gets to control the girls, but poor Alex gets wheeled in and has to perform on a chair while everyone flips around him. Everyone sans Alex goes out and performs near the end. If they could get Artie in 'Glee' to be in most of the performances, Alex in a chair with wheels could have been there as well.

Kenny's Pick - Kent & Neil - 'Shoeless Joe'(Broadway) - I think that Kent did the best whenever he was paired up with Neil because it helped raise him up to a higher level. The gymnastics and incredible leaps were remarkable. I love how in the end, they slid right next to a sitting Cat.

Nigel's Pick - Billy & Ade -'Mad World' (Contemporary) - Billy matured after this performance, he created a believable character and didn't lose focus. Stacey Tookey found the best in Ade and Billy and while she let them dance very individually throughout, she managed to capture magic when they interacted.

Guest Performance - Quest Crew - It's nice to see an extended crew from 'America's Best Dance Crew,' but I'm a bit confused as to why Dominic wasn't there. Nevertheless, the crew did great without him. I liked the use of music and the fade in the middle, along with each of the members getting a chance to have the spotlight.

Mia's Pick - Adechike & Comfort - 'Fallin'' (Lyrical Hip-Hop) - Mia's statement was right, Comfort came out of nowhere to be a really good choice for all-star. This was my favorite Adechike performance because of the raw emotion in the routine.

Romance Clips & Kent & Anya - 'My First Kiss' (Cha-Cha) - There was a lot of weird sexual chemistry this season, more than previous seasons. We end with a shot of Nigel and Adam in their imaginary wedding photo. This isn't a judge pick, but the dance matched the clip it preceded. Anya is still amazing to watch making all those splits. Funny enough, Kent lost sync near the end and didn't match arms up correctly with Anya.

Tyce's Pick - Robert & Dominic - 'Scars' (Hip-Hop) - I liked the use of props in this routine because it helped emphasize the very extreme poses the two made. Also notable in the routine was how intricate the balloon work was on the side of the stage.

National Dance Day Montage - Mostly a lot of shameless advertising, culminating with silly dancing videos. Of all the videos, the NASA dancing robot looked like the most fun.

Nigel's Tap Skit - Nigel makes a joke about the season 7 curse and Adam Shankman's wallet. Then the most adorable kid, Luke, taps. Sadly, he's miles better than Melinda and a third of her age. Maybe we'll find him in season 17.

Menzari Brothers - I find it funny that they can find really good tappers to showcase on the finale, but none of them ever audition for the show. Are they too old, or just too good for the show? The two did a great job with both creating an interesting beat and keeping in sync.

Nigel's Pick - Lauren & Pasha - 'Oblivion' (Argentine Tango) - Lauren continues to dazzle with Ballroom, her effortlessness in the lifts and glides across the stage. Pasha also proves that he can do great with buttons on his shirt.

Adam's Pick - Robert & Allison - ;Fix You' (Contemporary) - Robert put his all in to the routine because he channeled his own mother. I'm sure that this routine will rank next to the cancer dance of season five.

Russel's Final Performance - Lil' C accompanies Russell and both hit really hard. I really like C's performance. It's nice seeing Krump hit as hard as it should be. Their floor work was amazing.

Mary's Pick - Jose & Dominic - 'Battle for the Beat"'(B-Boy) - Mary finally unleashes her hot tamale scream, though I'm a bit surprised that she was assigned this to talk about. The routine is good, don't get me wrong, but not Mary's specialty. I prefer Dominic's lighter approach than Jose's grounded tricks.

Special Performance - Charlie Bruce & Neil - I'm not sure the 'So You Think You Can Dance: UK' winner had "perform at the finale of the U.S. version" as part of their prize, but the routine is beautiful to watch. Charlie had beautiful extensions and watching her split and arch her back was beautiful. Neil was there for her every step for the lifts.

We finally get to the final three and Robert sadly gets laughed at for wearing his Bollywood outfit; I'm sure there is an Indian group offended by the jokes. Cat finally reveals that the third place contestant is Robert. It was a done deal after both Lauren & Kent grabbed most of America's vote. Cat manages to compliment Robert's getup, he gets his montage and thanks everyone. He gets a big bouquet and is shuffled off into oblivion.

Adam's Pick - Lauren & Twitch 'My Chick Bad'(Hip-Hop) - I loved how dirty Lauren got in this routine. He kept up with Twitch a lot better in this routine than last night's election dance.

Cat's Pick - Alex & Allison - 'Hallelujah] (Contemporary) - It's a shame not having Alex around for the rest of the season because he brought a lot into his routine. Whoever said he was like a robot dancing was proven wrong after this routine.

Stacey's Pick - Billy & Robert 'Ganesh' (Bollywood) - Unlike Kent's routine last night, this routine was hard hitting and had a little bit of everything in it. It's also nice seeing that Robert kept the passion even knowing that he lost.

Mia's Pick - Kent & Neil 'How it Ends' (Contemporary) - Obviously, the routine was about a same-sex breakup, but I love how the routine was given a very positive reception. It's hard sometimes to make a contemporary dancer look really masculine and Travis did a great job making the routine look strong with two men.

Musical Guest - Black Gold 'Shine' - We get a montage of contestants, but for some reason, they allow voice-overs of the contestants with inspirational phrases to overdub the singing. Black Gold was giving it all they could as well, but don't get the real focus. I find it really funny that they slipped in a shot of Cat dancing.

Alex's "Outta Your Mind" Hip-Hop Routine - Ellen DeGeneres shows up to replace Alex. The only problem I really have with the routine is the fact that it almost makes fun of Alex. Ellen wasn't as hard hitting or as passionate as Alex, but then again it could be worse, Katie Holmes could come back. I guess since DeGeneres is not going back on 'American Idol,' Fox wanted to use her wherever they could.

It's finally time to reveal the winner, first with a montage of how the dancers got there. Ironically, Nigel revealed to both of them that they were making it to the top eleven. After almost two hours of waiting, the winner is Lauren. It actually reminds me of that moment when Kelly Clarkson won the first season of 'Idol' because it was that hope that Kelly would win, but the acceptance that Justin Guarini had the little girls' vote.

I'm very happy that America didn't let Kent win just because of his charisma. He is a good dancer and has matured light years from when we first saw him. I'm sure Adam would say his look is very commercial and he could fit well as a Broadway backup dancer. Lauren deserved the win, especially having weeks of girls being eliminated in the beginning of the competition.

Where you satisfied by the finale? Who else was upset with Ellen being the "superstar" Cat kept mentioning? Leave your comments below.



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